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Marriage & Relationship Coaching

Save your marriage or Relationship

1 h
200 US dollars
Location 1

Service Description

1. Communication Skills: Improving Communication: Coaches work with clients to enhance their communication skills, teaching them how to express their needs, listen actively, and resolve conflicts effectively. Understanding Differences: Helping individuals understand and appreciate the differences between them and their partners, fostering empathy and connection. 2. Conflict Resolution: Teaching Conflict Management: Providing tools and strategies to manage conflicts constructively, fostering resolution rather than escalation. Identifying Patterns: Helping couples recognize and break negative patterns of interaction that contribute to conflict. 3. Intimacy and Connection: Rekindling Romance: Assisting couples in rediscovering and maintaining emotional and physical intimacy. Building Connection: Encouraging activities and communication that strengthen the emotional bond between partners. 4. Individual Growth: Self-Reflection: Supporting individuals in understanding themselves better, addressing personal issues that may affect the relationship. Setting Goals: Collaborating on individual and relationship goals, fostering personal growth within the context of the partnership. 5. Pre-Marital Coaching: Preparing for Marriage: Providing guidance for couples considering marriage, addressing potential challenges and helping them establish a strong foundation. 6. Trust and Forgiveness: Rebuilding Trust: Assisting couples in overcoming breaches of trust and working towards rebuilding it. Forgiveness: Helping individuals and couples navigate the process of forgiveness for healing and moving forward. 7. Family Dynamics: Blended Families: Supporting couples in navigating the complexities of blended families. Parenting Strategies: Providing guidance on effective co-parenting and addressing parenting challenges. 8. Setting Boundaries: Establishing Healthy Boundaries: Assisting individuals and couples in setting and respecting boundaries to create a healthy and balanced relationship. 9. Crisis Management: Navigating Crisis: Helping couples cope with major life events, such as illness, financial challenges, or loss. 10. Skill-Building: Empowering Clients: Equipping individuals and couples with practical skills and tools to navigate challenges independently. Marriage and relationship coaching can be beneficial for couples at any stage of their relationship, from those seeking pre-marital guidance to those facing long-term challenges. It's important to note that while coaches c

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The Solution: Reversal of the same UCC system (nexus) “backward” from the effect (enslaved flesh-and-blood) to the cause! (the contract). Simply reverse the positions of the cause with that of the effect, through the nexus, and the result is the remedy!  This is only achieved by becoming a Secured Party Creditor.  There isn’t any other way.


 Convert the enslaved flesh and blood (effect) into the new CAUSE (signature contract), and at the same time convert the birth certificate contract into the new EFFECT (enslaved property). Now the I man, I AM the “contract” (through their signature), and the previous birth certificate “contract” is the “enslaved property” (secured property title) of I man.  Now I  an aggrieved man  has complete control over his life and full 100% gain from 100% production of his “own” energy! And the nexus is still the UCC! What is this specific reversed cause-and-effect solution called? In this case: The  Secured Party Process! It’s the redemption process through the blood of Yahusha.


A Secured Party, having regained control of their life and their sovereignty, is no longer subject to the same controls as existed before their UCC secured party process when they were unknowingly an accommodation party to and guarantor for, the fictional corporate entity debtor “strawman,” that functioned as their name in all upper-case caps, and existed from the time of their birth certificate – as well as other adhesion contracts.

 One such reason that the system   no longer has so much external control existing over them after a  Secured Party Creditor process, is because I man is no longer obligated to the fictitious “bankruptcy” and “debt.”

According to research if managed correctly, the Secured Party Sovereign’s medium of exchange is that of silver and gold coins under Original Law (common law) and Original jurisdiction. The Secured Party is completely “exempt” from any government bankruptcy, debt, tax, interest, or any other type “of liability” (especially liabilities that can only be paid in “Federal Reserve Notes”). Sovereign Live flesh-and-blood people cannot be forced or compelled to even “use” valueless unbacked Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs).

 The Sovereign aggrieved man, the Secured Party cannot be forced to “pay” in FRNs for any debt or liability incurred (or supposedly incurred). Thus, they are exempt from ALL payment demands made in or subject to FRNs.


 At the same time, with there being no lawful money of exchange (silver or gold coin) readily available - due to the manipulated bankruptcy and the government has removed all gold [and silver] from the supply of the American people [see HJR-192] - and this being the reason that the government uses unbacked valueless commercial paper (FRNs) in the discharge of all its debts and obligations in commerce, therefore the Secured Party can not even be made obligated to pay any debts in “silver or gold,” as well.


There is none readily available! It is therefore only under “NECESSITY” that a Secured Party even uses FRNs as a medium of exchange throughout their daily activities. Even then, and because it is only by virtue of “NECESSITY” that they use FRNs daily, they are still “exempt” from any type of “bankrupt government” FRN debts or liabilities. Besides, the STATE – being a bankrupt “debtor” – cannot compel anything upon a Secured Party “Creditor.” It was YOUR “energy” that was credited to them! Thus, they borrowed from YOU! They are, always have been, always WILL BE the actual “DEBTOR” to YOU! Always owing YOU!

 When the Secured Party Creditor (SPC) is confronted with any type of debt, obligation, liability, service, contract, etc., be it from a bank, government agency, public official, credit bureau, utility company, or any other type agency or entity that functions exclusively with use of FRNs – and/with these very commercial entities and transactions being based in bankruptcy and commercial “debt” the SPC, through “exemption,” is thus able to “discharge” the above type debt.


 Through an “Acceptance for Value,” the SPC “Accepts the debt for Value!” (the “value” being “DEBT!”) - with the SPC being exempt from such “debt.” The SPC simply then has only one remaining option, and that is to therefore “discharge” the debt!

The purpose of doing this “Chargeback” to the Secretary of the Treasury is to create and “charge up” a whole new UCC Treasury. Contract Trust Account for one to discharge debts and obligations and thus handle the commercial affairs of your legal fiction, Debtor


This is accomplished all from a brand-new account that you are now creating, and all without interference from any third or outside parties.   In the beginning, when you were a newly born infant, your parents – through their signature at that time created and “charged up” an all-new UCC Treasury Contract Trust Account for you! You are now doing this same thing – only you are creating and opening up a whole new account, with a number that is based upon your registered mail “tracking number,” - and unlike your parents, you are doing exactly what they DID but only YOU understand nut; they did not!


KT, I want to change my status and become a secured party now



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HJR 192
Debtor afflicted by commerce
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